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Multiple Trademark Classes Application in India

Yes, in India also, permitted are the Multiple Trademark Classes Applications, in addition to the ordinary trademark applications. This well-drafted webpage contains very enlightening, useful, and exclusive information regarding the multiple trademark classes application in india, to help and benefit Indian and foreign people and companies. Based in Delhi, our well-experienced and up-to-date IPR law firm of India has also been internationally famous and reliable for multiple trademark application filing services for nearly a decade. Today, our IPR law firm is regarded as being one of the hugely famous, trustworthy, and leading IPR law firms of India, which has served numerous Indian and global people and companies so far in India and abroad.

The ordinary trademark application made through Form TM-1 is exclusively used when an applicant wants to register his/her newly created trademark/service-mark, only under a certain class of goods/services. In case, the applicant desires to register his/her trademark/service-mark under multiple classes, just through filing a single trademark application, then used is the multiclass trademark application Form TM-51. The section below, gives more information regarding why multiple trademark class applications are necessary, and under what circumstances. In respect of prescribed government fees, there are no savings in using either of these two categories of trademark applications for the purpose of registration under multiple classes.

Why Multiple Trademark Class Applications?

For registering a trademark/service-mark under three classes of products/services, a company has two options; filing three ordinary trademark applications separately for each class, or filing a multiclass trademark application through the Form TM-51. The procedure for trademark registration is the same through both these routes. Obviously, filing three separate applications would consume triple effort and time, and there would be considerable administrative hassles. On the other hand, the application made through Form TM-51 serves the same purpose, along with savings in efforts, time, and administrative hassles. The total government fees charged will be INR 12000/- in either route, at present. This is the main benefit of filing a multiclass trademark application. But there are many other risks associated with filing an application using Form TM-51, which are mentioned below in brief. Here, it may be noted that our hugely popular and prestigious IPR law firm of India offers the generous service of the free trademark search to its Indian and global clients for availing its services for trademark registrations in India.

The biggest drawback associated with filing a multiclass trademark application is the peril that the whole application may get rejection, in case an objection to registration under any of the specified classes is raised by someone. A divisional application may salvage registrations under the unopposed classes, but that too needs some extra government fees, time, and efforts. Again, there will be chances of trademark rectification or cancellation, if the company fails to use the trademark under all specified classes of goods normally within five years after the registration.

Interested people/companies of India or abroad, may readily avail our swift and superb trademark registration services in entire India, just through calling over: +91-8800-100-281; or mailing their problems/queries to: .