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Service Mark Vs Trademark

Trademark and Service Mark both serve the main purpose of indicating the source of origin of a thing on the national or foreign markets. The trademark serves as the source identifier of a product produced by a certain company; while a service mark indicates the source of origin of any specific service offered by a service-proving company or institution. Hence, both trademark and the service mark form a vital intellectual property of business/profession/service entities active in various sectors of economy. The paragraphs below, offer more enlightening and useful information about service mark vs trademark, to help people and entities engaged in various economic fields in India and countries worldwide.

According to the latest edition of the Nice Classification of goods and services, which is administered and updated regularly by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 34 classes are related with trademarks and 11 classes are related with services. Here, it may also be noted that, this international classification of goods and services are referred to in connection with the international as well as domestic registration of trademarks and service marks in the majority of countries worldwide. The international treaties and conventions (related with trademarks and other intellectual properties) of the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM), all follow this Nice classification for registration purposes.

The procedure for registration, maintenance, and protection of both the trademarks and service marks are almost the same. Our IPR law firm well-based in Delhi has rich and varied experience in providing brisk and impeccable legal services at just reasonable service charges for these all broad tasks associated with trademarks and service marks in entire India and countries worldwide under the above-mentioned international treaties.

Again, in addition to serve as the source identifiers, the trademarks as well as service marks also become useful in gaining and promoting the following objectives:
  • These can make the goods, products, and services rather prominent and alluring in the concerned markets
  • These establish and promote specific image and goodwill of the concerned companies
  • Scintillating trademarks and service marks serve as an effective catalyst for better growth and profitability of the related companies

Harnessing the great advantages of our top-notch and economical legal services for registration, prosecution, maintenance, and protection of trademarks and service marks in Indian and international jurisdictions, is readily accessible through calling over: +91-8800-100-281; or sending a mail to: .