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Single Class Trademark Application in India

A trademark application which is filed for registering a trademark or service-mark under only one select class of goods or services, is termed as the single class trademark application or the ordinary trademark application. The trademark application which is utilized for registering one's trademark under more than one class, is called as the multiclass trademark application. In India, the single-class trademark application is made through the Form TM-1, while the multi-class trademark application is made through using the Form TM-51. This well-drafted and very enlightening and useful webpage contains exclusive information regarding the single class trademark applications in india, to help Indian and as well as global people and companies in their respective registrations of trademarks and service marks in entire India.

In connection with trademark registration for nearly all 45 broad classes of the Nice classification in India and abroad, our Delhi-Based IPR law firm has been rather popular and reputed for around a decade. Our punctilious and generous IPR law firm of India also offers the service of free trademark search to its Indian and global clients, who avail its trademark filing services. Also, prompt and expert services are provided by our internationally renowned trademark lawyers for filing of both the Form TM-1 and Form TM-51 in entire India.

Why Single Trademark Class Applications?

The single class trademark applications are so popular that these are used even when a company wants to register its trademark/service-mark under multiple classes of goods/services. Obviously, for this purpose, the applicant will have to file multiple TM-1 Forms separately for each class. Clearly, the efforts and time consumed by filing many separate TM-1 Forms and then, making separate prosecutions for registration of these all under the desired classes, will certainly be much greater than that consumed by filing a single multiclass trademark application for registrations under those classes. However, the multiclass trademark applications have certain fatal drawbacks, discussed below. The government fees in either route of application will be the same, charged at INR-4000/- per class (at present).

The multiclass trademark applications offer savings in effort and time, and easier administration. But, such applications are prone to rejection, if objection/opposition to registration under any of the specified classes are raised by a third person/entity. Though the facility for filing a divisional application for seeking registration of the proposed trademark under the remaining unopposed classes is available, this too consumes some extra money and time. Again, the applicant is also essentially required to prepare oneself for using the trademark in the businesses of all specified classes of goods or products, well within five years counted from the date of registration, to eliminate the chances of trademark rectification/cancellation in future. This lapidary description clarifies why single trademark class applications are so popular in India or abroad, even for seeking trademark registrations under multiple classes.

To avail our swift, expert, and cheap services for the single class trademark application filing in entire India, interested people/entities may briskly call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their queries or mails to: .