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Trademark Class 15

The class 15 of the Nice classification of goods and services generated in various sectors of economy is often referred to as the trademark class 15, especially in connection of the international registration of those trademarks which are related with the goods and objects under this class 15. The goods and objects kept under the class 15 of nice classification are listed separately in the lower section for convenience. Here, it may be noted that this Nice classification based on the Nice (France) Agreement of 1957 classifies goods and services of various economic sectors for the purposes of registration of trademarks related with the businesses of these sectors, in foreign countries worldwide. This globally adopted classification is regularly updated by WIPO in every five-year period.

Very informative, exclusive, and rather useful information about the Indian and international registration of all trademarks coming under the class 15 of trademarks is given on this webpage, along with stipulating services for our veteran and reputed trademark lawyers for escorting these trademark registration. Apart from registration of trademarks coming under all 45 classes of nice classification as per the Indian Trade Mark Act of 1999 and Trade Marks Rules of 2002 (including the amendments made thereto so far), they also support expertly trademark registrations under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the Community Trademark of EU.

Class 15 Musical Instruments

Under the gamut of the class 15 musical instruments kept are the following musical instruments and objects:
  • Electrical and Electronic Musical Instruments
  • Keyboard Instruments
  • Woodwind Instruments
  • Percussion Instruments
  • Mechanical Pianos and Accessories of these
  • Brass Instruments
  • Musical Boxes
  • Musical Accessories

Our readers are here informed that the diverse instruments and devices used for recording, amplifying, transmission, and reproduction of sound (which are covered in class 9) are not included in this class 15 musical instruments for the registration of trademarks related with these at international level. Here it may also be noted that besides the registration, almost all other services related with trademarks in all 45 classes are extended adroitly by our vibrant and innovative trademark lawyers, including trademark opposition, trademark infringement litigation, trademark renewals, trademark watch and monitoring, trademark prosecutions, and hiring and trading of trademarks and service-marks, both at the Indian and international levels.

To get benefited through our best and economical legal services for registering any newly conceived trademark in India or abroad under the class 15 or any other classes, you just need to phone up over: +91-8800-100-281; or cast a relevant mail to: .