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Trademark Class 27

Distinctive trademark class 27 is world-famous for relating to the trademarks of all goods and objects which are kept in the class 27 of nice classification, especially in connection with the international registrations of these trademarks. This class 27 of trademarks contains all those trademarks which are used in the businesses of diverse floor coverings and non-textile wall hangings. This concise but very informative web-article informs about the Indian and international registrations of these class 27 trademarks, and our swift and superb services for these registrations worldwide.

Well-based in Delhi, our immensely reputed and innovative law firms is one of the fast progressive and leading IPR law firms of India, which has been extending the full gamut of legal services for all categories of intellectual property for around a decade. So far, these legal services for Indian and international registrations of intellectual properties (associated with various economic sectors) have benefited millions of people and companies located in places all across India and the whole world. Here, only the Indian and international registrations of trademarks relating to this class 27 floor coverings and wall hangings are informed about exclusively.

Class 27 Floor Coverings and Wall Hangings

In general, the following goods and objects are covered in the class 27 floor coverings and wall hangings, especially for the purpose of international registrations of the trademarks related with these:
  • Different types of Floor Coverings, such as Rugs, Carpets, Mats, and Mattings
  • Diverse Coverings for Walls and Ceilings
  • Various Non-textile Wall Hangings
  • Coverings and Mats for Vehicles
  • All sorts of artificial Ground Coverings

Percipient readers are kindly informed to keep in mind that; the wooden floorings are not covered in this class 27. Hence, the trademarks related with the businesses of wooden floorings are registered under the class 19 at international levels worldwide.

For Indian registrations of all newly invented trademarks pertaining to this class 27, concerned are the five regional trademark registry offices of the country, and the Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. On the other hand, the treaties and conventions directly related with the international registrations of these trademarks based on the business requirements and priorities, are the following ---- TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, European Union Trade Marks (EUTM), and the Berne or Paris Convention. Again, in addition to the Indian and international registrations of these trademarks, all other tasks related with trademarks are also delivered adroitly and responsibly by our veteran and innovative trademark lawyers of international fame.

To harness cheap and superb services for Indian and international registrations of all new trademarks relating to the trademark class 27, please call over: +91-8800-100-281; or mail your problems or queries to: .