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Trademark Class 34

The trademark class 34 is the last class of the Nice classification, which is applicable to trademarks. After this class 34 of nice classification, the remaining classes relate to services delivered in various economic fields; the total number of classes being 45. The Nice (France) classification is nothing but a globally recognized classification of goods and services, made primarily for the purpose of assigning classes to the trademarks and service marks during the procedure of international registrations of these. This webpage covers information about the registration of various trademarks relating to this class 34 in India and countries worldwide.

The class 34 of trademarks is specifically associated with the trademarks which are used in the businesses of various tobacco products and the implements and articles which are used by the smokers. Right from the creation of trademarks used in these fields to their registration and protection in India and abroad, all tasks are performed by our trademark lawyers of international prestige. As far as our IPR law firm is concerned, today it is one of the most popular and leading IPR law firms of India, which has been extending the full-range of legal services for all categories of intellectual property for around a decade, to help myriads of Indian and global people and entities.

Class 34 Tobacco Products and Smokers' Articles

The following broad categories of goods and articles have been classified into the class 34 tobacco products and smokers' articles, for the purpose of allotting class to the trademarks used in the businesses of these goods and articles, especially for the international as well as Indian registrations:
  • Different types of Tobacco
  • Different categories of Tobacco products
  • Lighters for Smokers
  • Matches
  • Ashtrays
  • Various implements and articles employed for using Tobacco
  • Different Tobacco Containers and Humidors

Very informative here is to note that the cigarettes without tobacco which are used for medical purposes, are not covered under the class 34 trademarks, such cigarettes are classified into the trademark class 5.

The five zonal offices of trademark registry of India are concerned with the Indian registrations of these trademarks, as per the Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. While the international registrations of these class 34 trademarks are performed under one or more of the following international legislations ---- TRIPS Agreement, Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM).

All concerned people and companies with Indian or international registrations of recently created trademarks related with class 34, may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their respective queries or mails in this connection to: .