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Trademark Class 8

The trademark class 8 encompasses all trademarks which are related with the goods and products kept in class 8 of the Nice classification. The class 8 of this globally prominent classification of goods and services is primarily associated with various hand-operated devices and tools, which are named and categorized specifically in the section below. This class 8 of nice classification is inevitably referred to for getting a trademark connected with any of these hand-operated tools and devices in Indian and international jurisdictions. Presented on this webpage are rich and very useful information about this class 8 of trademarks and our internationally admired legal support for trademark registrations in India and nations all across the globe.

The fast thriving law firm of ours is located in Delhi, and has been quite prominent internationally for its expeditious and impeccable IPR services to Indian and foreign people and companies. Trademark lawyers of our firm are well-versed in providing prompt and responsible services for registration and protection of trademarks belonging to all 45 classes of the nice classification under all zonal trademark offices of India and under international conventions like the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Union's Community Trademark (CTM).

Class 8 Hand-Operated Devices and Tools

The gamut of the class 8 hand-operated devices and tools is rather broad, and covers the following hand-operated devices, implements, and tools:
  • Agricultural and Gardening Tools
  • Keen-edged and Blunt Weapons
  • Food Preparation Utensils and Implements, and Kitchen Knives and Cutlery
  • Hand Tools for Cutting, Grinding, Sharpening, and Surface Treatment
  • Hand-operated Tools and Implements for Construction and Repairing
  • Hand-operated Tools for Treatment of Materials
  • Hair Cutting, Shaving, and Hair Removal Implements
  • Animal Slaughtering and Butchering Implements
  • Fastening and Joining Tools
  • Manicure and Pedicure Tools
  • Hygienic and Beauty Implements and Tools for Humans and Animals
  • Hair Styling Appliances
  • Lifting Jacks and Tools
  • Fire Tending Implements
  • And, other hand-operated tools, equipments, and implements which are not included in other classes.

Here, please note that under this class 8 trademarks, trademarks associated with the business of any of the following devices and tools are not included ---- power-operated machine tools and devices (trademark class 7); firearms (trademark class 13); medical and surgical cutleries (trademark class 10); fencing weapons (trademark class 28); and paper knives (trademark class 16).

For registering a trademark related with class 8 or any other classes of nice classification in India or any country abroad, please phone up over: +91-8800-100-281; or just cast a brief mail at: