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Trademark Rules 2017
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Trademark Registration in Ahmedabad, Surat, and Vadodara

Hugely industrialized and rapidly thriving Gujarat has been a very significant and loyal client of the top-notch and efficient services of our Delhi-based IPR law firm, for many past years. Our services for trademark registration in ahmedabad, surat, and vadodara, alone have helped numerous of its innovative entrepreneurs and industries so far.

One of widely popular and internationally admired IPR law firms of India, our well-resourced and innovative IPR law firm extends adroitly the full-range of legal services for all most prominent and popular categories of intellectual property to Indian and global clients. As far as our services for trademarks and service-marks are concerned, we provide the following services besides the registrations of the same --- tm renewal services, trademark opposition services, trademark prosecution services for various desired objectives, trademark infringement litigations, watch and monitoring services for trademark protection, and selling and purchasing of the registered trademarks and service-marks.

Trademark Registration in Ahmedabad, Surat, and Vadodara

How to Register a Trademark in Ahmedabad, Surat, and Vadodara as per New TM Rules 2017?

Applicants located in Ahmedabad, Surat, or Varodara, need to perform the following tasks, to register their respective new trademarks/service-marks at the national-level in India as per the new trademark rules 2017:

  • Devising a new and distinguishing trademark or service-mark, and selecting the perfect service-mark or trademark class for registration of the same.
  • Uniqueness of the mark is to be verified through trademark search in India. Our prestigious law firm of India conducts free trademark search to help its clients.
  • Flawless trademark application filing through the new Form TM-A, with the regional trademark registry office located in Ahmedabad.
  • For seeking prompt registration, an applicant may now file a request for expedited processing of the application, through the Form TM-M.
  • And, some ancillary tasks like persuading registrar regarding registrability of the filed mark, resolving any opposition, and offering due prosecution for registration.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products, Goods and Services in Ahmedabad, Surat, and Vadodara

All economic fields of Ahmedabad, Surat, and Varodara can readily receive expert and expeditious legal services for registration of trademarks, service-marks, brand names, and logos from our well-informed and internationally famed trademark lawyers. For this purpose, all above-mentioned tasks are performed proficiently by our brilliant trademark attorneys. All 45 classes of Nice classification are served by them.

Hence, for fast and impeccable brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, for doing business/service, our delhi-based prestigious IPR law firm is undoubtedly one of the perfect choices. Expert and exclusive advisory service for creation of a new and magnificent trademark or service-mark is also extended by our up-to-date and mellow trademark attorneys.

Interested people/entities in our unmatched service for trademark registration in Ahmedabad, Surat, and Vadodara, may promptly call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their germane queries or requests at: .