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Session To Protect Your Business Theme Under Trademark Act 1999 India
Trademark Rules 2017
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Trademark Registration in Bareilly

Eminent Bareilly, a major and rapidly progressing metropolis of Uttar Pradesh, has regularly been utilizing ace IPR services of our Delhi-based law firm, for past many years, to boost its commercial and economic development and growth. Our service for trademark registration in bareilly, alone has received high praises from its numerous people and entities so far.

This webpage deals only with our legal service for registration of trademarks and service-marks belonging to entrepreneurs, companies, and industries of this fast-growing 'counter magnet' city of NCR. All various economic fields of Bareilly can adroitly be served by our trademark registration services, essentially including the fields mentioned in the last section. Besides trademark registration, our other legal services for trademarks and service-marks are the following --- tm renewal services, trademark prosecution services for many different objectives, trademark opposition, trademark infringement litigation, trademark watch and monitoring for trademark protection, and licensing and acquisition of registered trademarks and service-marks. Again, entities of booming Bareilly may also avail our legal services for their international trademark registrations.

Trademark Registration in Bareilly

How to Register a Trademark in Bareilly as per New TM Rules 2017?

The following tasks are to be done for registering a new trademark/service-mark by an applicant located in Bareilly as per the new trademark rules 2017, for doing business in entire India:

  • Trademark creation and selecting the most suitable trademark class or classes for registration thereunder.
  • Getting assured regarding uniqueness of the trademark/service-mark through trademark search in India. Available is free trademark search from our generous trademark lawyers.
  • Procedural trademark application filing online in the new Form TM-A, with the regional intellectual property office of New Delhi.
  • Applicants needing brisk registration, are now well-facilitated to file a request in Form TM-M for expedited processing of the registration application.
  • Other supportive tasks which may be required are satisfying the registrar, offering prosecution for registration, and tackling any trademark opposition.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Bareilly

Individuals and companies located in Bareilly may avail our trademark registration services for engagement in anyone or more economic fields --- bamboo and cane furniture items, zari-zardosi embroidery work, various agricultural goods and products, handicrafts, cotton textiles, and many other fast-emerging industrial and economic fields of Bareilly.

Thus, located at a short distance of just around 250 Km from Bareilly, our internationally commended IPR law firm is clearly one of the best choices for brisk and best brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, for doing business in any of these economic fields in India or abroad.

People/entities of Bareilly may just ring over: +91-8800-100-281; or forward their pertinent queries or requests to:; for harnessing our trademark registration services in India or abroad, or any other trademark services.