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Trademark Registration in Jaipur Rajasthan

Well-based in close vicinity to Rajasthan, our internationally prominent IPR law firm has been very famous for registration of various objects of intellectual property in Rajasthan, essentially including the trademarks and service-marks. This webpage contains exclusive information about our hugely-popular legal services for trademark registration in jaipur rajasthan, to help the interested people and companies located all across this highly glamorous pink city of India.

Our IPR services have been very popular and reliable in regions all across India for around a decade, both for domestic and international registrations of trademarks and service-marks. All classes of the Nice classification are covered by our legal services for trademarks in India, which are now performed as per the new Trade Marks Rules of 2017, and extant Trade Marks Act of 1999 (including all amendments made thereto so far). Our generous service for the free trademark search has been well-known, in connection with perfect registrations of trademarks and logos in India. Again, all tasks and processes related with trademarks/service-marks/logos are covered under our rich gamut of legal and advisory services for trademarks and service marks. Other qualities of our services for trademarks and other categories of intellectual property are the following --- perfect and responsible services, liberal and reasonable service charges, impressing high efficiency, the best possible satisfaction of clients, and generous policies for steadfast and loyal clients.

Trademark Registration in Jaipur Rajasthan

How to Register a Trademark in Jaipur as per New TM Rules 2017?

For trademark application filing on behalf of your company located in Jaipur and engaged in any economic field, the relevant office of trademark registry will be the regional trademark registry office situated in Ahmedabad. Again, as per the new Trade Marks Rules of 2017, the following tasks and processes are to be performed for this purpose:

  • Creating the desired trademark/service-mark/logo with our support, which will be indisputably unique and readily registrable.
  • Filing online the application for registration of the same through the new Form TM-A with the TMR of Ahmedabad, together will all requisite documents and prescribed registration fee.
  • Based on your requirement or urgency, you may now avail the expedited processing of your application for registration of the selected mark/logo, up to the stage of final registration, just through filing the Form TM-M, and paying the prescribed governmental fee for that purpose.
  • Our veteran trademark lawyers then may require to tackle the possible cases of satisfying the trademark examiner/registrar, quenching any trademark opposition, and presenting well-informed and brilliant prosecution for the perfect and promptest registration of the forwarded mark.
  • Lastly, getting the certificate of registration on behalf of your company.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company/Products/Goods/ and Services in Jaipur

For your brand name registration, all well-established and fast-emerging economic fields of Jaipur are comprehensively covered by our trademark registration services in jaipur, or any other city of India. After perfect registration, you will be enabled to conduct your business or provide your specific service at the targeted regional level or the whole national level.

If need be, you can also avail our expert and efficient services for international registration of your mark or logo under any of the following international treaties or conventions --- the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, European Union Trade Marks (EU TM), or the Madrid Protocol of WIPO.

Besides the trademark and logo registration, our other services for this category of industrial intellectual property cover the following

  • trademark opposition,
  • trademark prosecutions for different objectives,
  • trademark watch and monitoring,
  • trademark renewals,
  • and trademark infringement litigation.

How to Contact for Trademark Name and Logo Registration Services in Jaipur Rajasthan?

The concerned or impressed people or companies located in Jaipur or any other city of Rajasthan, may readily avail our fast and finest trademark registration services, just through contacting over: +91-8800-100-281(Call/WhatsApp); or sending their queries or requests at: .