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Trademark Rules 2017
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Trademark Registration in Moradabad

Immensely famous internationally for brassware and mint, fast-prospering Moradabad has been a significant recipient of our IPR services for around a decade. Today, rather popular is our top-notch and swift service for trademark registration in moradabad for its all economic fields (noted below). Both Indian and International registrations of trademarks are covered.

Hugely famous internationally for its highly refined, innovative, and efficient legal services for all major categories of IPR, our Delhi-based law firm is one of the top and leading IPR law firms of India. Each category of intellectual property is well-served by us with the full range of legal services. As far as our trademark services are concerned, these cover tm renewal services, trademark prosecution services for all aims, trademark opposition, hiring and acquisition of registered trademarks/service-marks, vigilant trademark watch and monitoring for all-round trademark protection, and trademark infringement litigation. All 45 broad classes of Nice classification are served by our well-seasoned and innovative trademark lawyers.

Trademark Registration in Moradabad

How to Register a Trademark in Moradabad as per New TM Rules 2017?

To register a trademark in India as per the new trademark rules 2017, an entrepreneur or industry of Moradabad needs to carry out the following processes:

  • Inventing a new and distinctive trademark for doing business in the concerned economic field, and then assigning to it appropriate trademark class for registration thereunder.
  • Conducting trademark search across Indian trademark databases for ensuring uniqueness of the trademark. Available is free trademark search in India from our trademark attorneys.
  • Getting done the trademark application filing through the new Form TM-A with the zonal trademark registry office of New Delhi.
  • Now, after implementation of the new Indian trademark Rules of 2017, possible is expedited processing of all tasks involved in the entire procedure of trademark registration, through filing the Form TM-M.
  • Other tasks involved could be convincing registrability of the trademark, appeasing any trademark opposition, and offering well-informed prosecution for perfect and brisk registration.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Moradabad

Moradabadi entrepreneurs and industrialists may receive our comprehensive, efficient, and expert trademark registration services for doing businesses in the following economic fields of this thriving industrial city and a major export hub of India ---- brassware and handicrafts, mint industry, iron sheets and metal ware, glass products, and many other emerging fields.

Situated at a short distance of just over 150 Km from Moradabad, our IPR law firm of Delhi is thus, one of the most convenient and reliable firms of India for brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services in all above-mentioned economic fields. Our trademark registration services also cover expert and innovative guidance for trademark creation.

People/entities of Bareilly may just ring over: +91-8800-100-281; or forward their pertinent queries or requests to:; for harnessing our trademark registration services in India or abroad, or any other trademark services.