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Trademark Registration in Mumbai - Maharashtra

Opulently affluent Mumbai, the commercial and financial capital of India, has compulsorily been receiving our expert and punctilious legal services for trademarks and other intellectual properties regularly for around a decade. Our swift and superlative service for trademark registration in mumbai covered the most of the 45 classes of the Nice classification.

Internationally praised IPR services of our Delhi-based and one of the top IPR law firm of India, have benefited myriads of Indian and foreign people and entities, particularly those who are engaged in various economic sectors of India. Besides registrations, our trademark services cover the following tasks and processes related with trademarks and service-marks ---- tm renewal services, trademark prosecution services for various objectives, trademark opposition services, trademark infringement litigation, watch and monitoring for all-round trademark protection, and hiring and purchasing of registered trademarks and service marks.

Trademark Registration in Mumbai - Maharashtra

How to Register a Trademark in Mumbai as per New TM Rules 2017?

To register a trademark in Mumbai or at the national-level in India as per the new trademark rules 2017, any applicant (an entrepreneur or entity) located in this industrially opulent city of India has to carry out the following main tasks:

  • Trademark creation and identification of appropriate trademark class or classes for registration of the same thereunder.
  • Ascertaining indisputable uniqueness of the mark through trademark search across Indian trademark databases. Our expert and vibrant trademark lawyers conduct free trademark search for benefit of clients.
  • Performing trademark application filing in mumbai maharashtra, with its trademark registry office located at Antop Hill, S.M. Road.
  • The new rules of 2017 introduce the provision of making request for fast-track processing of the registration application up to the registration stage through the Form TM-M.
  • Other task necessitated may include fortifying registrability of the filed mark, quenching any trademark opposition, and prosecution for perfect registration.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Mumbai

If you are located in this most populous and the wealthiest city of India, then, our well-resourced IPR law firm is one of the best choices in India for brisk and best brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, regardless of the economic fields you are engaged in.

Contributing around 7% to India's GDP and around 25% to the national industrial output, booming Mumbai has the following fast-prospering broad economic fields highly suitable for trademark registrations at present ---- finances and financial services; manufacturing and engineering; gems & jewelries, including diamond-polishing; information technology (IT) and ITES; port and shipping; textiles and garments; media and entertainment; leather processing; outsourcing; healthcare; education and scientific research; and many other economic fields of this one of the top ten centers of global financial flow.

To harness our lavish legal services for trademark registration in Mumbai, or any other IPR services, people/entities of India or abroad may readily ring over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their queries or requests to: .