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Trademark Rules 2017
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Trademark Registration in Srinagar - Jammu and Kashmir

Enjoying roaring economic growth steadily since 2006, Srinagar (J & K) has been one of the significant recipients in Northern India of our trademark services regularly. So far, almost all fast-progressing economic fields (noted below) have been served by our lavish and innovative services for trademark registration in srinagar, to propel its economic growth.

Well-based in Delhi and famous internationally, our well-resourced IPR law firm extends adroitly legal services for all popular categories of intellectual property to Indian and foreign clients, for doing business/service in India and abroad. Every major category of IP is served by us with full gamut of legal and advisory services. The broad range of our trademark services covers registration of trademarks and service-marks, tm renewal services, trademark opposition services, trademark prosecution for all objectives, selling/purchasing and hiring of registered trademarks, watch and monitoring service for trademark protection, and trademark infringement litigation.

Trademark Registration in Srinagar

How to Register a Trademark in Srinagar as per New TM Rules 2017?

An entrepreneur or company located in Srinagar has to get the following tasks completed, to register a new trademark as per the new trademark rules 2017 of India:

  • Creation of a new and distinguishing trademark/service-mark, and selecting the perfect trademark class or service-mark class for registration of the same thereunder.
  • Getting satisfied regarding dispute-free uniqueness of the new trademark/service-mark, through trademark search in India. Offered by our trademark lawyers is free trademark search to its clients.
  • Procedural trademark application filing through new Form TM-A, with the zonal intellectual property office of New Delhi.
  • An applicant may file a request for fast-track processing of registration application, through Form TM-M, if need be.
  • Other likely tasks could be equipping registrability of the filed mark, well-informed prosecution for registration, and dealing with any trademark opposition.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Srinagar

Ambitious entrepreneurs and industries of Srinagar may harness our top-notch and innovative trademark registration services for the following thriving economic fields of this "Paradise on the Earth" or "Venice of the East" ---- tourism, handicrafts, agricultural and horticultural goods and products, silk items, leather goods, hospitality and entertainment, milk and milk products, real estate and construction, electrical goods, handlooms, information technology, etc.

Thus, our delhi-based and internationally commended IPR law firm is certainly a perfect and easiest choice for swift and superlative brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services for doing business/service in the above-mentioned economic fields of this largest city of Jammu & Kashmir. Our erudite, extensively experienced, and innovative trademark lawyers also offer guidance for creation of unique and readily impressive trademark/service-mark for the desired economic field.

To utilize our excellent and efficient service for trademark registration or any other services related with trademarks, people and entities of Srinagar may promptly ring over: +91-8800-100-281; or dispatch their queries or requests to: .