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Trademark Services in Myanmar

Offering expert and innovative legal services for all major categories of intellectual property in Asian and other countries of the world over, our IPR law firm of Delhi essentially covers the SAARC countries for its services. In this web-article described are our trademark services in Myanmar, to help entrepreneurs and entities located in and outside Myanmar, and active in various economic fields.

Officially called as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Myanmar (also known as Burma) is now a progressive country of Southeast Asia, quite striking in respect of international business and trade. This multiethnic and multicultural country gives home to around 55 million people at present, and is one of the founder members of the SAARC. In respect of international trades, Myanmar is rather famous for its rice and other agricultural goods and products, gemstones, oil and natural gas, opium, tourism, textiles, metals, and many minerals. Hence, foreign people and entities may also be interested in registering their respective trademarks in Myanmar for doing business in any of these economic fields.

To support the domestic and international business of the native people and companies of Myanmar, and also the foreign companies located or doing business in Myanmar, our up-to-date and veteran trademark lawyers extend the following trademark services in myanmar, efficiently and quite economically:

  • Domestic as well as International trademark registrations of people/entities belonging to and/or located in Myanmar
  • International trademark registrations of foreign people/entities (belonging to or located in countries other than Myanmar) in Myanmar.
  • Trademark Renewals in Myanmar
  • Trademark Oppositions in Myanmar
  • Trademark Prosecutions for diverse objectives in Myanmar
  • Trademark Watch and Monitoring in Myanmar
  • And, Trademark Infringement Litigations in Myanmar.

Trademark Registration in Myanmar

Till date, there is no exclusive trademarks law promulgated in Myanmar, and therefore, registration and protection of trademarks in Myanmar are solely based on the common law and common practice. However, the draft Trade Marks Law of Myanmar is expected to get passed within the year 2017. The common practice for registration and protection of trademarks and service marks in Myanmar, follows the Section 18(f) of the Registration Act and the Registration Direction 13, and demands a solemn declaration of facts from the trademark owner/applicant. The office relevant for trademark processes in Myanmar is the Myanmar Intellectual Property Office (MIPO).

At domestic level, our punctilious and mellow trademark lawyers deliver the following services for trademark registration in myanmar, to help people and companies belonging to Myanmar and foreign countries worldwide:

  • Guidance for conceptualization and creation of the desired and a unique trademark/service mark for doing business in the interested/concerned economic field.
  • Allotment of appropriate class to the newly-created trademark or service mark
  • Execution and Authentication of a solemn Declaration of Trademark Ownership
  • Preparation of a Power of Attorney (POA) executed by the trademark applicant
  • Registration of the Declaration of Ownership
  • Publication of the Cautionary Trademark Notice in a Local Newspaper
  • And, offering all requisite services for securing proper registration of the proposed trademark/service mark in Myanmar.

For making international trademark filings on behalf of entities located in Myanmar, and also for these filings seeking trademark registrations in Myanmar of foreign entities located in countries worldwide, relevant will be the TRIPS Agreement of WTO. However, Myanmar is also a member of WIPO.

To discover more about trademark processes in Myanmar, or receive these services for trademark registration or protection in Myanmar, entities belonging to Myanmar or countries worldwide may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their related queries or problems at: .