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Trademark Class 12

This well-prepared webpage contains very informative and useful information about the trademark class 12, and our internationally admired legal services for Indian and international registrations of various trademarks related with the vehicles and vehicle equipments classified under this class 12. This specific class is actually the class 12 of nice classification, which is a globally approved classification of goods and services generated in various economic sectors. The main purpose of this Nice classification is to facilitate distinct and unambiguous registration of various trademarks belonging to goods and services produced in these sectors of occupation and economy at the international as well as domestic levels in countries worldwide.

Quick Enquiry

Well-informed and well-seasoned trademark lawyers of our well-resourced and internationally renowned IPR law firm of Delhi (India) are well-experienced in registering trademarks under all five zonal trademark offices of India, and all globally famous treaties and conventions associated with trademarks. From trademark creation and uniqueness verification to registration and protection of trademarks and service marks relating to all 45 classes of the nice classification, all diverse tasks and activities are covered by expert and efficient services of our vibrant and veteran trademark lawyers. The international treaties served by the services of them are the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the Community Trademark of the European Union.

Class 12 Vehicles and Vehicle Equipments

Specifically, under the broad gamut of the class 12 vehicles and vehicle equipments come the following vehicles, equipments, and devices:

Percipient readers are informed kindly here that the trademarks associated with the following equipments, machine parts, and materials are not included in the class 12 of trademarks for registration purposes in India and nations worldwide ---- motors, engines, couplings, and transmission components used in industries (trademark class 7); metals and materials used in railways and railway tracks (trademark class 6); and parts and fittings of motors and engines (trademark class 7).

If you want to register any newly created trademark related with this class 12 trademarks, then please contact us through telephonic [+91-8800-100-281] or electronic means [], from any part of India and the whole world.