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Trademark Class 7

Rather broad trademark class 7 is fully distinguished for containing diverse trademarks related with various equipments, machineries, and machine tools. These machineries and equipments are described in the class 7 of nice classification which is administered and regularly updated by WIPO. This webpage presents very informative and useful information about the goods and products listed in the class 7 of this Nice classification, and our brisk and expert legal services for Indian and international registrations of all trademarks associated with the businesses of these equipments and machineries.

Quick Enquiry

Our well-established, well-resourced, and internationally renowned law firm of Delhi has a well-experienced and highly innovative pool of highly qualified trademark lawyers of international repute. These lawyers have been helping numerous entrepreneurs, companies, firms, and organizations of India and abroad, in connection with perfect and efficient registrations of their respective trademarks with the Indian and international trademark offices for over a decade. At the international level, their flawless and swift services are available for trademark registrations under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, the Madrid Protocol, and the Community Trademark of European Union. Trademarks and service-marks belonging to all 45 classes of goods and services stipulated in the globally famous Nice classification are served by them.

Class 7 Equipments and Machineries

The class 7 of trademarks is globally well-known for being related with machine tools, equipments, and diverse machineries used in various industries. In general, the class 7 equipments and machineries are the following:

Here, it must be noted that the trademarks pertaining to the following machines, tools, equipments, and implements are not registered under the class 7 trademarks in India and nations worldwide ---- internal combustion engines and motors used in automobiles and other land vehicles (trademark class 12); and various hand-operated equipments, machine tools, and implements (trademark class 8).

To harness our expeditious and impeccable services for registering a trademark under class 7 or other classes in India or abroad, an entrepreneur or company may contact us over: +91-8800-100-281; or mail to: